Buddies (Age 10+)
Volunteer to be the buddy of an AllPlay Miracle
League Baseball player and make a difference in a
child's life - and yours! Buddies are vital to the
Miracle League as they assist the players
one-on-one throughout the ball game to
ensure assure safety and fun for everyone involved.
You don't even need to know how to play baseball!
You just need to know how to have fun!
A Buddy is a Player's helper during the baseball game. They accompany their
Player around the field, in the dugout and enable them to play the game. The
Buddy might push a wheelchair or run alongside of their Player from base to
base. The Buddy also assists them in playing their field position.
A Buddy is a friend: A Buddy makes an effort to get to know their Player as an
individual and who they are as a person. Buddies connect with their Players
through asking questions and through their interaction with their Player on
the field throughout the game. Buddies give lots of encouragement and
are their Players biggest cheerleaders!
A Buddy is safety: A Buddy keeps their Player safe during the game
whether it be fielding or guiding Player around the bases.
Buddies can be family members (Dad, mom, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandpa,
grandma, etc.), friends, or community volunteers including students. High school
students can earn community service hours for their volunteer efforts. The most important responsibility for a buddy is to ensure the safety and enjoyment of their player, and in return buddies may make a lifelong friend who will truly impact their life.
There is no registration fee or any cost to be a buddy - it's FREE. Buddies can sign-up for 2 games time slots through our online volunteer website. Games are played on Saturday mornings beginning at 8:30am and played in two seasons (Summer - May & June) and Fall (August & September). Of course if you would like to work with the same player each week just indicate that on your registration, and if you know that players name be sure to include it.
ALLPLAY Miracle Baseball League - Buddy Guidelines
1. Please show up for each game you volunteer for — your player and his/her team are counting on you.
Please show up at least 15 minutes before scheduled game time.
2. Check in at the Greeter table.
3. Let the player do as much of the activities as his/her abilities will allow. Only assist when a player is
unable to take an action that is not within his/her capabilities.
4. Make sure your player puts on a hard helmet when going to bat. (Check with parents to make sure it
won’t upset him/her, however.)
5. Select a bat that is appropriate to your player’s abilities and size. (The player may already know what
he/she wants to use.)
6. Find out if your player needs to use a batting tee. If not, after several pitches without a hit ball, the
coach will ask him/her to hit from a batting T to keep the game moving.
7. Assist the player to the bases by gentle directing. (Some will need to be pushed by wheelchair or their
hands held to guide them.) Do not overtake a previous base runner.
8. If a player can reach down and grab a ball, allow him/her to do so.
9. If a player can’t reach the ball, but can throw, hand him/her the ball.
10. If a ball goes by a player and he/she can move to it, do not go get. Take or encourage the player to
go get the ball and get it back in play.
11. Talk with your player—help him/her understand the flow of the game, what to do if a ball comes
toward him/her, which base to run or throw to next.
12. BE POSITIVE in comments and instructions. ENJOY the game and ENCOURAGE your player to do
so as tell. Talk with your Buddy Leader and player’s parents/caregivers if you have any questions or
concerns with your player